Divoom Tivoo IC components (part 1)

Here we will discuss the electronic components that compose the circuit board of the Tivoo, in this first part we will just find what the components are and what they do.

Lets start with the screen

Tivoo screen back

Here we can see three main IC of the board

ICN2053 – 16-channel PWM


Here you can see a link to this IC



Here you can see a link to this IC

This is basically a merge between TTL 74HC138 and 8 powermosftets.

F130G4 0 Microcontroller


Here you can see a link to what I think this IC is.

This IC is aparently from a company called GigaDevice, the IC have diferent naming, so may be a clone, Seems this IC was originally a GD32F130G4 from GigaDevice, the Die match at least in the shape. Also the logo looks like GigaDevice, I may be wrong tho.

Now lets jump to the Main board.

main board front Tivoo
main board front 2 Tivoo

Main board back Tivoo

This board have 5 major IC

XB8608A 8u1 – Lithium Battery Protection IC


Here you can see a link of what I think is this IC

This IC seems to be a Once Cell Lithium-ion Protection circuit. The original IC seems to have been XB8686E from Sysemi I presume is similar to that link since the numbers kind of match and the way it is installed relates to the pdf. you can see the top 4 legs are unused, or in this case, maybe connected to the negative part of the battery altogether.

25Q127CSIG – Flash memory


Here you can see a link to what I think is this IC

This IC seems to be Flash memory, the original IC seems to be GD25Q127CSIG

CS8326S B144 – Audio Amplifier


Here you can see a link of what I think this IC is

FP8102 SAe-00L Li-Ion Battery Charger


Here you can see a link to this IC

ANYKA AK1052DN048 GZSH04I18 Microcontroler/DSP


Here you can see a link to this IC

We will discuss the function of each of this ics in future post.

8 thoughts on “Divoom Tivoo IC components (part 1)”

  1. hello I was checking all this information. It turns out that my tivoo suddenly stopped working, it no longer turned on and when I turned it on it did not give any signal, but if I connected a USB cable, the led it has flashed but nothing happened, to be honest I always had it connected to a USB cable because I used it as an alarm clock, at some point I found it turned off and I thought it was some software I tried to restart it but oh surprise, it did not have a reset button even though it has the hole. so I dedicated myself to open it to know if there was something inside but nothing … then I did several tests and I managed to turn on if I disconnected the connector from the led board but if it was connected it would not turn on, in the same way it only worked with USB charging since the battery did not turn on that makes me think that the problem may be there from the beginning in the XB8608A but I’m not sure, I hope you can give me your opinion

    1. I had a similar problem once, turns out it was the usb cable. I suspect in my case was the cable was too crappy and didnt allow proper current to reach the unit and the unit didn’t like it. I changed the cable and it got fix. you may try changing the cable, the charger or both.

    2. Update, my tuvo died recently too. Turns out the battery completely died, shows as open circuit or under voltage battery to the charging ic so it tries to tricle charging,thus the blinking ligth. I fix it by replacing the battery with a new one. Not sure why the battery dies in these units tho.

  2. Ciao mi chiamo Pino. Il mio Tivoo è diverso a quanto pare. La scheda madre, il lato dove c’è il led di ricarica, al mio ci sono tre componenti che non vedo nelle vostre foto, un Mosfet 65 D e due transistor 1 AM PNP. Ho un problema, credendo che il foro dove si trova il led di ricarica, era per fare un Reset, ho infilato l’ago e non si è più accesa. Io credo che si sia bruciato uno di questi tre componenti. Non riesco a capire come avviene l’accensione, quale componente mi avvia il dispositivo. Simulando un corto tra due di questi si avvia, ma non si spegne. O forse può dipendere dal integrato XB, di protezione? O forse FP 8102 8 pin per la ricarica e stabilizza la corrente, in più è collegato al led di ricarica. Non sono riuscito a capire come avviene il processo di accensione. Vorrei un aiuto. Grazie attendo conferma.

    1. The hole is deceiving, it is hard to tell what those transistors are, since your board is different to mine. My guess is when you poke the hole you may have damaged them, if possible try replacing them and see if that fix the problem.

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