A for loop allows to execute a piece of code several times.
Example 1.0
for(var i =0; i<10; i++)
console.log("I am printing this message 10 times");
If the previous code where to run in chrome we could see the following output in the console.

Basic structure of for loop
We have 4 main parts that build the for
- INITIALIZATION: Executed only one time at all.
- CONDITION: Executed before the code is executed. (executed several times)
- CODE: Executed only if CONDITION is meet (executed several times)
- INCREMENT: Executed after the code is executed. (executed several times)
The following diagram shows how the flow of a for is performed.

so in our original example 1.0 we could spread the parts of the for as follows.
for(var i =0; i<10; i++)
console.log("I am printing this message 10 times");

- INITIALIZATION executes only once.
- the CONDITION will be executed as long as it is meet.
- Every time the CONDITION is meet, the CODE and the INCREMENT will execute once.